Sebastian Egger-Lampl is scientist at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, working on Technology Experience and QoE evaluation in the domains of human-to-human mediated interaction, interactive technologies in productive contexts and online video as well as on behavioural aspects and social collaboration strategies of technology use. Since 2010 he has participated in standardization activities of the ETSI STQ and ITU-T SG 12 where he successfully acted as an editor for two new standards on Web QoE, namely ITUT G.1031 and ITU-T P.1501. He is author of numerous conference and journal papers and acts as reviewer and TPC member for international conferences and journals such as IEEE ICME and IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Cornelia Gerdenitsch is scientist at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. Cornelia holds a master degree in Psychology from the University of Graz and a PhD in Social Science (Work and Organizational Psychology) from the University of Vienna. In her research she is interested in investigating effects of the digital transformation of work and on human behavior. At AIT, she is part of the Technology Experience group.

Thomas Meneweger is a research fellow and PhD student at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg and holds a master’s degree in sociology. Within his dissertation he explores workers’ experiences and work practices in increasingly automated and interconnected work and production environments (e.g., semiconductor factory, assembly lines, truck driving) by means of ethnographic approaches (observations and interviews).

Thomas Ludwig is an Assistant Professor of Cyber-Physiscal Systems at the University of Siegen (Germany). His research focuses on the human-centered design of cyber-physical systems as well as the impact of digitalization on work structures and practices. The application domains range from industrial contexts and the ICT support for workers at the machines to crisis management and the collaboration between emergency services and volunteers. He is a member of EUSSET and has published a variety of renowned publications in the field of CSCW and HCI, such as JCSCW, TOCHI, IJHCS, ECSCW and CHI.

Myriam Lewkowicz is Full Professor of Informatics at Troyes University of Technology (France), where she heads the teaching program ‘‘Management of Information Systems’’, and the pluridisciplinary research team Tech-CICO. Her interdisciplinary research involves defining digital technologies to support existing collective practices or to design new collective activities. She is part of the CONNECT project, which is a major initiative in France (funded by the Public Bank of Investment) to accompany Air Liquide in their evolution towards the Industry 4.0. In 2017 she was elected next chair of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET).

Torkil Clemmensen is professor at Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. His research interest is in Human-Computer Interaction, in particular psychology as a science of design. The focus of his research is on cultural psychological perspectives on usability and user experience. As chair of International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP), TC Human-Computer Interaction’s Working Group 13.6 on Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) 2008-2014, and currently vice-chair, he co-organizes a series of international workshops and working conferences on work analysis and usability/user experiences in organizational, human, social and cultural contexts. He contributes to key conferences and journals within Human-Computer Interaction, Design, and Information Systems.